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discover collectionsFind our Humble products in 134 Urban Outfitters stores in the United States and watch The Humble Co. spread its mission further across the globe! Altogether, the trendy fashion chain has 245 stores in the United States, Canada, and Europe. So, how about you add one of our sustainable bamboo toothbrushes to the new, stylish shirt in your shopping bag? – Being sustainable has never been so chic!
In fact, all Humble products launched in the Urban Outfitters stores run under the same, classy theme: Charcoal is the New Black! Check out our Charcoal floss picks, Black Humble Brush and the Charcoal Toothpaste to brighten up your smile and day!
We are happy that Urban Outfitters wants to support its customers to go Humble. As curious as we are, we asked Harmony Boyer a bit more about the general thought behind the company’s decision to provide customers with more eco-friendly options for oral care. An exciting surprise: Urban Outfitters and The Humble Co. share similar characteristics – a partnership searched and found!
How would you describe Urban Outfitters in a few words?
Bold, trend-driven, world focused and individual!
How come Urban Outfitters decided to sell eco-friendly personal care products?
Our customers (and ourselves) ate on the pulse of sustainability and the impact that we can make, even in small gestures. We want to not only have high-performance personal care products but also to “care” about our environment!
What about The Humble Co. caught your attention?
We were immediately drawn to the unique and fun packaging and aesthetic! We love that The Humble Co. is able to play in the sustainable space, without being boring or expected.
Is this partnership part of a bigger eco/social responsibility effort?
Yes, 100% Urban is dedicated to continuing to work with sustainably focused brands and brands that give back. Everyone wants to be able to feel good about their purchase!
Do you see a shift in the market where consumers are demanding and rewarding eco-friendly & socially minded products?
Yes, we consistently see customers response to items that are in the recycled, sustainable and reusable space. Everyone is a little more aware of how their purchases affect our environment and we want to do better.
So, what else to say then hop on the sustainability train and off you go to the next Urban Outfitters store near you. Go Humble because it matters!
‘Can we change our ways of production and consumption? Can we help provide oral care products to those that need it most? The answer is yes!’ – Noel Abdayem, Founder & CEO, The Humble Co.